How To Use

Find your color by browsing through our list of hair fibers bottles. Match one that best fits your hair color. Don't be afraid to mix colors if just one doesn't match enough.
Step 2 Image
From here you can simply shake or sprinkle the bottle of fibers onto the balding/thinning areas of the head. Users who are balding on the crown of their head have reported that the bottle of hair fibers (without the electric applicator) is enough to cover the tops of their heads. Although if you have a thinning hairline, perhaps adding the Electric Applicator to your cart may be a good move. The Electric Applicator is perfect for precise aim and sculpting the hairline, or bald spots. If you choose to combine the Electric Applicator with your Fibers, go to Step 3.
Step 3 Image. Point & Spray
Screw your bottle of fibers into the bottom of the electric applicator. Tap the power button once, choose your spray setting with the "+" and "-" buttons, point, and spray! It's best to spray in a quick sweeping motion as to not create a clumping appearance.
Here's a 30 second video tutorial if you don't feel like reading.